Enter a command. For example: wondershaper, nkf, from, meshlabserver.


A PHP client for Coveralls. More information:
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls:
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls for a specific directory:
    php-coveralls --root_dir {{path/to/directory}}
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific config:
    php-coveralls --config {{path/to/.coveralls.yml}}
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls with verbose output:
    php-coveralls --verbose
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls excluding source files with no executable statements:
    php-coveralls --exclude-no-stmt
  • Send coverage information to Coveralls with a specific environment name:
    php-coveralls --env {{test|dev|prod}}
  • Specify multiple Coverage Clover XML files to upload:
    php-coveralls --coverage_clover {{path/to/first_clover.xml}} --coverage_clover {{path/to/second_clover.xml}}
  • Output the JSON that will be sent to Coveralls to a specific file:
    php-coveralls --json_path {{path/to/coveralls-upload.json}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.