Enter a command. For example: llvm bcanalyzer, rector, hcloud.


A PHP mess detector that checks for common potential problems. More information:
  • Display a list of available rulesets and formats:
  • Scan a file or directory for problems using comma-separated rulesets:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}}
  • Specify the minimum priority threshold for rules:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}} --minimumpriority {{priority}}
  • Include only the specified extensions in analysis:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}} --suffixes {{extensions}}
  • Exclude the specified comma-separated directories:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}} --exclude {{directory_patterns}}
  • Output the results to a file instead of stdout:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}} --reportfile {{path/to/report_file}}
  • Ignore the use of warning-suppressive PHPDoc comments:
    phpmd {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{xml|text|html}} {{rulesets}} --strict

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