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tailscale up

Connects the client to the Tailscale network. In version 1.8 and above, command line arguments are stored and reused until they're overwritten or --reset is called. More information:
  • Connect to Tailscale:
    sudo tailscale up
  • Connect and offer the current machine to be an exit node for internet traffic:
    sudo tailscale up --advertise-exit-node
  • Connect using a specific node for internet traffic:
    sudo tailscale up --exit-node={{exit_node_ip}}
  • Connect and block incoming connections to the current node:
    sudo tailscale up --shields-up
  • Connect and don't accept DNS configuration from the admin panel (defaults to true):
    sudo tailscale up --accept-dns={{false}}
  • Connect and configure Tailscale as a subnet router:
    sudo tailscale up --advertise-routes={{}},{{}}
  • Connect and accept subnet routes from Tailscale:
    sudo tailscale up --accept-routes
  • Reset unspecified settings to their default values and connect:
    sudo tailscale up --reset

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