Enter a command. For example: kind, git init, hexyl, omz, wait.


CLI interface for interacting with etcd, a highly-available key-value pair store. More information:
  • Display the value associated with a specified key:
    etcdctl get {{my/key}}
  • Store a key-value pair:
    etcdctl put {{my/key}} {{my_value}}
  • Delete a key-value pair:
    etcdctl del {{my/key}}
  • Store a key-value pair, reading the value from a file:
    etcdctl put {{my/file}} < {{path/to/file.txt}}
  • Save a snapshot of the etcd keystore:
    etcdctl snapshot save {{path/to/snapshot.db}}
  • Restore a snapshot of an etcd keystore (restart the etcd server afterwards):
    etcdctl snapshot restore {{path/to/snapshot.db}}
  • Add a user:
    etcdctl user add {{my_user}}
  • Watch a key for changes:
    etcdctl watch {{my/key}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.