All commands
Complete list Command Line (Command Prompt, console, cmd, cli) commands with tldr pages.
- 2to3
- 7z
- 7za
- 7zr
- [
- [[
- a2disconf (linux)
- a2dismod (linux)
- a2dissite (linux)
- a2enconf (linux)
- a2enmod (linux)
- a2ensite (linux)
- a2query (linux)
- aa (osx)
- aapt
- ab
- abbr (linux)
- abduco
- ac (linux)
- ack
- acpi (linux)
- act
- acyclic
- adb
- add apt repository (linux)
- addpart (linux)
- addr2line (linux)
- adduser (linux)
- adguardhome
- adscript
- afinfo (osx)
- afplay (osx)
- ag
- agate
- age
- airmon ng
- airpaste
- airport (osx)
- airportd (osx)
- ajson
- alacritty
- alex
- alias
- alien (linux)
- alpine (linux)
- alternatives (linux)
- am (android)
- amass
- amixer (linux)
- anbox (linux)
- androguard
- ansible
- ansiweather
- ant
- antibody
- apache2ctl (linux)
- apachectl (osx)
- apg
- apk (linux)
- apktool
- aplay (linux)
- apm
- applecamerad (osx)
- apport bug (linux)
- appsleepd (osx)
- apropos
- apt (linux)
- aptitude (linux)
- ar
- arc
- arch
- archey (linux)
- archinstall (linux)
- archlinux java (linux)
- arduino
- arecord (linux)
- aria2
- aria2c
- arithmetic (linux)
- ark (linux)
- arp
- arping
- as (linux)
- asar
- ascii (linux)
- asciiart (linux)
- asciidoctor
- asciinema
- asdf
- aspell (linux)
- asr (osx)
- assimp
- assoc (windows)
- asterisk (linux)
- astronomer
- astyle
- at
- atom
- atool (linux)
- atoum
- atq
- atrm
- attrib (windows)
- auditd
- aura (linux)
- auracle (linux)
- aurman (linux)
- aurvote (linux)
- authconfig (linux)
- autoflake
- autojump
- automountd (osx)
- autopep8
- autopkgtest (linux)
- autorandr (linux)
- autossh
- avahi browse (linux)
- avbdeviced (osx)
- avifenc (linux)
- avo
- avrdude
- awk
- aws
- awslogs
- axel
- az
- azcopy (windows)
- b2sum
- babel
- backlight_control (linux)
- badblocks
- balena
- balooctl (linux)
- bandwhich
- banner
- base32
- base64
- basename
- bash
- bashmarks
- bastet
- bat
- batcat (linux)
- batch
- bc
- bcomps
- beanstalkd
- bedtools
- beep (linux)
- behat
- berks
- betterdiscordctl (linux)
- betterlockscreen (linux)
- betty
- bfg
- bg
- bindkey
- binwalk (linux)
- bird (osx)
- bison
- bitcoin cli
- bitwise (linux)
- black
- blackfire
- blender
- bless (osx)
- blkdiscard (linux)
- blkid (linux)
- blockout2
- bluetoothctl (linux)
- bluetoothd (linux)
- blurlock (linux)
- bmaptool
- bmon (linux)
- bnepd (osx)
- boltctl (linux)
- boot
- bootctl
- borg
- bosh
- bower
- box
- bpftool (linux)
- bpftrace (linux)
- bpytop (linux)
- bq
- brctl (linux)
- brew
- brightness (osx)
- brightnessctl (linux)
- brotli
- browser sync
- bshell
- bspc (linux)
- bspwm (linux)
- bssh
- btm
- btrbk (linux)
- btrfs (linux)
- bugreport (android)
- bugreportz (android)
- buku
- bundle
- bundler
- bundletool
- bup
- buzzphrase
- bvnc
- bw
- bzegrep (linux)
- bzfgrep (linux)
- bzgrep
- bzip2
- c99
- cabal
- caddy
- caffeinate (osx)
- caja (linux)
- cake
- cal (linux)
- calc
- calcurse (linux)
- calendar
- calibre server
- calibredb
- carbon now
- cargo
- carp
- carthage (osx)
- case
- cat
- cbonsai
- ccomps
- cd
- cdk
- ceph (linux)
- certbot (linux)
- cewl (linux)
- cf
- cfdisk (linux)
- cfprefsd (osx)
- cgcreate (linux)
- cgexec (linux)
- cgroups (linux)
- chage (linux)
- chars
- chattr (linux)
- chcon (linux)
- chcpu (linux)
- cheat
- check language support (linux)
- checkinstall (linux)
- checkupdates (linux)
- chezmoi
- chflags (osx)
- chfn (linux)
- chgrp
- chisel
- chkconfig (linux)
- chkdsk (windows)
- chmod
- chntpw (linux)
- choco (windows)
- choice (windows)
- choose
- chown
- chpasswd (linux)
- chroma
- chrome (windows)
- chromium
- chronyc (linux)
- chroot
- chrt (linux)
- chsh
- cinst (windows)
- cipher (windows)
- circo
- circup
- cksum
- clamav (linux)
- clamdscan
- clamscan
- clang
- clang++
- clear
- clementine
- clifm
- clip (windows)
- clist (windows)
- clj
- cloc
- clockwork cli
- clojure
- cloud init (linux)
- cloudflared
- cloudphotod (osx)
- cls (windows)
- cmake
- cmark
- cmatrix
- cmd (android)
- cmp
- cmstp (windows)
- cmus (linux)
- code
- codesign (osx)
- codespell
- coffee
- cola
- collectd (linux)
- color (windows)
- colordiff
- colorls
- colorpicker
- colrm (linux)
- column
- comby
- comm
- command
- comp (windows)
- compare
- compgen
- complete
- compose (linux)
- composer
- compsize (linux)
- conan
- conda
- conky (linux)
- conntrack (linux)
- consul
- convert
- convmv
- copyq
- cordova
- core validate commit
- coreaudiod (osx)
- coreautha (osx)
- coreauthd (osx)
- coredumpctl (linux)
- corepack
- cosign
- cotton
- couchdb
- cowsay
- cp
- cpdf
- cpio
- cppcheck
- cppclean
- cpufreq aperf (linux)
- cpuid (linux)
- cpulimit (linux)
- cpupower (linux)
- cradle
- create_ap (linux)
- createdb
- createrepo (linux)
- crictl
- croc
- cronic
- crontab
- crunch
- cryfs
- cryptcat (linux)
- cryptsetup (linux)
- crystal
- csc
- csh
- csplit (linux)
- csrutil (osx)
- csshx (osx)
- csslint
- csvclean
- csvcut
- csvformat
- csvgrep
- csvkit
- csvlook
- csvpy
- csvsort
- csvsql
- csvstat
- csvtool
- ctags
- ctest
- ctr (linux)
- ctrlaltdel (linux)
- cuninst (windows)
- cups config
- cupsd
- curl
- cut
- cuyo (linux)
- cvs
- cwebp
- d8
- daemonize (linux)
- dalvikvm (android)
- daps
- dark mode (osx)
- darkhttpd
- dart
- dash
- datamash (linux)
- date
- dbus daemon (linux)
- dc
- dcfldd
- dcg
- dcode
- dconf (linux)
- dd
- ddcutil (linux)
- ddrescue (linux)
- deb get
- debchange (linux)
- debman (linux)
- debootstrap (linux)
- deborphan (linux)
- debsecan (linux)
- debtap (linux)
- debugfs (linux)
- debuild (linux)
- decaffeinate
- declare
- deemix
- defaults (osx)
- del (windows)
- delta
- deluge
- deluged
- deluser (linux)
- deno
- dep
- detox
- devfsadm (sunos)
- dex (linux)
- dexdump
- dexter
- df
- dfc
- dget (linux)
- dhclient
- dhcpwn
- dict
- diff
- diff3 (linux)
- diffoscope
- diffstat
- dig
- dillo
- dir (linux)
- dirb (linux)
- dircolors
- direnv
- dirname
- dirs
- dirsearch
- diskonaut
- diskpart (windows)
- diskutil (osx)
- disown (linux)
- distccd
- distnoted (osx)
- distrobox create (linux)
- ditto (osx)
- dive
- django admin
- dkms (linux)
- dlv
- dm tool (linux)
- dmenu (linux)
- dmesg (linux)
- dmidecode (linux)
- dnf (linux)
- dnsrecon (linux)
- do release upgrade (linux)
- doas
- docker
- docker build
- docker commit
- docker compose
- docker container
- docker cp
- docker exec
- docker image
- docker images
- docker inspect
- docker login
- docker logs
- docker machine
- docker network
- docker ps
- docker rmi
- docker run
- docker save
- docker secret
- docker service
- docker slim
- docker start
- docker stats
- docker swarm
- docker system
- docker volume
- dockerd (linux)
- docsify
- doctl account
- doctum
- dog
- dokku
- dolphin (linux)
- dolt
- dos2unix (linux)
- doskey (windows)
- dot
- dot_clean (osx)
- dotnet
- doxygen
- dphys swapfile (linux)
- dpkg (linux)
- drawing (linux)
- drill
- driverquery (windows)
- drupal
- drush
- drutil (osx)
- dstat (linux)
- du
- dua
- duc
- dumpcap
- dumpe2fs (linux)
- dumpsys (android)
- dune
- dunstctl (linux)
- dunstify (linux)
- duperemove (linux)
- duplicacy
- duplicity
- dust
- duti (osx)
- dvc
- dwebp
- e2freefrag (linux)
- e2fsck (linux)
- e2image (linux)
- e2label (linux)
- e2undo (linux)
- e4defrag (linux)
- ebook convert
- ebuild (linux)
- echo
- ect
- ed
- edgepaint
- edit (linux)
- edquota (linux)
- efibootmgr (linux)
- eget
- ego (linux)
- egrep
- eix (linux)
- eject (linux)
- electron packager
- electrum
- elinks
- elixir
- elm
- elvish
- emacs
- emacsclient
- ember
- emerge (linux)
- emond (osx)
- emulator
- enca
- encfs
- engrampa (linux)
- enscript
- entr
- enum4linux (linux)
- env
- envoy
- envsubst
- eopkg (linux)
- eqn
- equery (linux)
- erl
- errno
- esbuild
- eslint
- espanso
- espeak
- etcd
- etcdctl
- etckeeper (linux)
- ethtool (linux)
- eva
- eval
- eventcreate (windows)
- evil winrm
- ex
- exa
- exec
- exenv
- exercism
- exif (linux)
- exiftool
- exit
- exiv2
- expand
- expect (linux)
- explorer (windows)
- export
- expose
- expr
- exrex
- extrace (linux)
- extundelete (linux)
- eyed3 (linux)
- f3fix
- f3probe
- f3read
- f3write
- f5fpc (linux)
- factor
- fail2ban client (linux)
- faillock (linux)
- fakedata
- fakeroot (linux)
- faketime (linux)
- fallocate (linux)
- false
- fast
- fastboot
- fastlane
- fastmod
- fatlabel (linux)
- fc
- fcrackzip (linux)
- fd
- fdesetup (osx)
- fdisk (linux)
- fdp
- fdroid
- fdroidcl
- fdupes
- feedreader (linux)
- feh
- ffe
- ffmpeg
- ffplay
- ffprobe
- ffsend
- ffuf (linux)
- fg
- fgrep
- figlet
- file
- filecoordinationd (osx)
- filefrag (linux)
- fileicon (osx)
- fin
- finch (linux)
- find
- findfs (linux)
- findmnt (linux)
- findstr (windows)
- finger
- fio
- firebase
- firefox
- firejail (linux)
- firewall cmd (linux)
- fish
- fisher
- fkill
- flac
- flake8
- flameshot (linux)
- flash (linux)
- flashrom (linux)
- flask
- flatpak (linux)
- flex
- flock (linux)
- flow
- fls
- flutter
- fluxctl
- fly
- flyctl
- fmt
- fnm
- fold
- fondue (windows)
- for
- foreman (linux)
- forever
- forfiles (windows)
- fortune
- fossa
- fossil (linux)
- fping
- fprind (linux)
- fprintd delete (linux)
- free (linux)
- from
- fsck (linux)
- fscrypt (linux)
- fselect
- fstrim (linux)
- fsutil (windows)
- fswatch
- fswebcam
- ftp
- ftype (windows)
- fuck
- func
- fuser (linux)
- fusermount
- fwupdmgr (linux)
- fzf
- g++
- gacutil
- ganache cli
- gatsby
- gbp (linux)
- gcal
- gcalcli
- gcc
- gcloud
- gcov (linux)
- gdalbuildvrt
- gdb
- gdebi (linux)
- gdrive
- gdu
- gedit (linux)
- gem
- genfstab (linux)
- genid (linux)
- genie (linux)
- genkernel (linux)
- get childitem (windows)
- getent (linux)
- getfacl (linux)
- getfileinfo (osx)
- geth
- getmac (windows)
- getopt (linux)
- getprop (android)
- gh
- gh alias
- gh api
- gh auth
- gh browse
- gh codespace
- gh completion
- gh config
- gh cs
- gh environment
- gh extension
- gh formatting
- gh gist
- gh help
- gh issue
- gh issue create
- gh mintty
- gh pr
- gh pr create
- gh pr merge
- gh reference
- gh release
- gh repo
- gh run
- gh screensaver
- gh secret
- gh secret set
- gh ssh key
- gh workflow
- ghc
- ghci
- ghcup
- ghdl
- ghost
- gibo
- gifsicle
- gimp
- gist
- git
- git abort
- git add
- git alias
- git am
- git annex
- git annotate
- git apply
- git archive
- git archive file
- git authors
- git bisect
- git blame
- git blame someone else
- git branch
- git browse
- git brv
- git bug
- git bugreport
- git bundle
- git cat file
- git changelog
- git check attr
- git check ignore
- git check mailmap
- git check ref format
- git checkout
- git checkout index
- git cherry
- git cherry pick
- git clean
- git clear
- git clear soft
- git clone
- git coauthor
- git cola
- git column
- git commit
- git commit graph
- git commit tree
- git commits since
- git config
- git contrib
- git count
- git count objects
- git cp
- git create branch
- git credential
- git daemon
- git delete branch
- git delete merged branches
- git delete tag
- git delta
- git describe
- git diff
- git diff files
- git difftool
- git effort
- git extras
- git fame
- git fetch
- git filter repo
- git flow
- git for each repo
- git fork
- git format patch
- git fsck
- git gc
- git graft
- git grep
- git help
- git ignore
- git ignore io
- git imerge
- git info
- git init
- git instaweb
- git lfs
- git local commits
- git lock
- git locked
- git log
- git ls files
- git ls remote
- git ls tree
- git mailinfo
- git maintenance
- git merge
- git mergetool
- git missing
- git mr
- git mv
- git notes
- git obliterate
- git pr
- git prune
- git pull
- git push
- git range diff
- git reauthor
- git rebase
- git reflog
- git release
- git remote
- git rename branch
- git rename remote
- git rename tag
- git repack
- git repl
- git replace
- git request pull
- git reset
- git reset file
- git restore
- git rev list
- git rev parse
- git revert
- git rm
- git root
- git secret
- git sed
- git send email
- git setup
- git shortlog
- git show
- git show branch
- git show index
- git show merged branches
- git show ref
- git show tree
- git show unmerged branches
- git sizer
- git squash
- git stage
- git standup
- git stash
- git status
- git stripspace
- git submodule
- git subtree
- git summary
- git svn
- git switch
- git symbolic ref
- git sync
- git tag
- git touch
- git undo
- git unlock
- git update index
- git update ref
- git var
- git verify commit
- git verify tag
- git whatchanged
- git worktree
- github label sync
- gitk
- gitlab
- gitlint
- gitmoji
- gitsome
- gixy
- glab
- glances
- glib compile resources
- glow
- gml2gv
- gmssl
- gnome calculator (linux)
- gnomon
- gnucash
- gnuplot
- go
- goaccess (linux)
- gobuster
- gocryptfs
- godoc
- godot
- gofmt
- goimports
- google chrome
- googler
- gopass
- gops
- goreload
- gotty
- gource
- gow
- gox
- gpasswd (linux)
- gpg
- gpg2
- gpgv
- gpupdate (windows)
- gradle
- grap
- graphml2gv
- grep
- grex
- grip
- groff
- groupadd (linux)
- groupdel (linux)
- groupmod (linux)
- groups
- grpcurl
- grub install (linux)
- grumphp
- grunt
- gs (linux)
- gsettings (linux)
- gt
- gtop
- guacd
- guake (linux)
- guetzli
- guile
- guix package (linux)
- gulp
- gunicorn
- gunzip
- gv2gml
- gv2gxl
- gvcolor
- gvpack
- gxl2gv
- gzip
- hadolint
- hakyll init
- halt (linux)
- handbrakecli
- hangups
- hardhat
- hardinfo (linux)
- hashcat (linux)
- hashid
- haxelib
- hcitool (linux)
- hcloud
- hdiutil (osx)
- hdparm (linux)
- head
- helix
- hello
- helm
- help2man
- heroku
- hexdump
- hexo
- hexyl
- hg
- highlight
- histexpand
- history
- hive
- hlint (linux)
- hn
- home manager
- homectl (linux)
- homeshick (linux)
- host
- hostapd
- hostess
- hostid
- hostname
- hostnamectl (linux)
- hping
- hping3
- hr
- hsd cli
- hsw cli
- html5validator
- htop
- htpasswd
- htpdate (linux)
- http
- http_load (linux)
- httpflow
- httpie (linux)
- httping
- httprobe
- httpry
- hub
- hugo
- hunspell
- husky
- hwclock (linux)
- hydra
- hyperfine
- i3 (linux)
- i3exit (linux)
- i3lock (linux)
- i3status (linux)
- i7z (linux)
- ia
- ibmcloud
- ical
- icalbuddy (osx)
- iconv
- id
- id3tag
- identify
- idnits
- iex
- if
- ifconfig
- ifdown (linux)
- iftop (linux)
- ifup (linux)
- ignite
- imapsync
- img2pdf
- imgcat (osx)
- imgp (linux)
- import
- in toto record
- in2csv
- indent
- infection
- influx
- info
- initdb
- inkmake
- inkscape
- inkview
- inotifywait (linux)
- input (android)
- install
- interdiff
- invoke item (windows)
- inxi (linux)
- ionic
- ionice
- ioping
- iostat (linux)
- iotop
- ip (linux)
- ipaggcreate
- ipaggmanip
- ipcalc (linux)
- ipcmk (linux)
- ipconfig (windows)
- ipcrm (linux)
- ipcs
- iperf
- iperf3
- ipfs
- ipset (linux)
- ipsumdump
- iptables (linux)
- ipython
- irssi
- is up
- iscc (windows)
- isisdl
- isoinfo (linux)
- isosize (linux)
- ispell (linux)
- istats (osx)
- iverilog
- ivpn
- iw (linux)
- iwconfig (linux)
- iwctl (linux)
- jadx
- jar
- jarsigner
- java
- javac
- javadoc
- jc
- jcal
- jdupes
- jekyll
- jello
- jenv
- jest
- jetifier
- jhat
- jhipster
- jhsdb
- jigsaw
- jmap
- jmtpfs
- jobs
- joe
- john
- join
- josm
- journalctl (linux)
- jp2a
- jpegoptim
- jpegtran (linux)
- jps
- jq
- jrnl
- json5
- jstack
- jtbl
- julia
- jupyter
- jupytext
- just
- jwt
- k6
- k8s unused secret detector
- k8sec
- kafkacat
- kaggle
- kahlan
- kak
- kate
- kde inhibit (linux)
- kdeconnect cli
- kdialog (linux)
- kdig
- kdocker (linux)
- keepass2
- keepassxc cli
- kexec (linux)
- keybase
- keychain
- keyctl (linux)
- khal
- kill
- killall
- kind
- kitex
- kitty
- kiwi ng
- kjv (linux)
- knife
- kompose
- konsole (linux)
- kops
- kosmorro
- kotlin
- kotlinc
- kpackagetool5 (linux)
- kpartx (linux)
- kreadconfig5 (linux)
- krita (linux)
- kscreen console (linux)
- ksh
- ksvgtopng5 (linux)
- kube capacity
- kubeadm
- kubectl
- kubectx
- kubens
- kubetail
- kustomize
- kwrite (linux)
- kwriteconfig5 (linux)
- lambo
- laptop detect (linux)
- larasail (linux)
- laravel
- last
- lastb (linux)
- lastcomm (linux)
- lastlog (linux)
- latex
- latexmk
- launchctl (osx)
- launchd (osx)
- lb
- ld
- ldapdomaindump (linux)
- ldapsearch
- ldconfig (linux)
- ldd (linux)
- leave
- lebab
- ledctl (linux)
- ledger
- legit (linux)
- lein
- lerna
- less
- lex
- lftp (linux)
- libreoffice (linux)
- license
- light (linux)
- lighthouse
- lilypond
- line (linux)
- link
- linkchecker
- lipo (osx)
- live server
- llc
- lldb
- lli
- llvm ar
- lmms
- ln
- lnav (linux)
- loadtest
- loc
- local
- locale (linux)
- localectl (linux)
- locate (linux)
- locust
- log (osx)
- logcat (android)
- logger
- login (linux)
- logname
- logoff (windows)
- logsave (linux)
- logstash
- logwatch (linux)
- lolcat
- look (osx)
- lorem
- losetup (linux)
- lp
- lpass
- lpinfo
- lpr
- lpstat
- lrunzip (linux)
- lrzip (linux)
- lrztar (linux)
- lrzuntar (linux)
- ls
- lsattr (linux)
- lsb_release (linux)
- lsblk (linux)
- lscpu (linux)
- lsd
- lshw (linux)
- lslocks (linux)
- lslogins (linux)
- lsmod (linux)
- lsns (linux)
- lsof
- lspci (linux)
- lsscsi (linux)
- lsusb (linux)
- lt
- ltrace (linux)
- lua
- luac
- lumen
- lvcreate (linux)
- lvdisplay (linux)
- lvextend (linux)
- lvm (linux)
- lvreduce (linux)
- lvremove (linux)
- lvresize (linux)
- lvs (linux)
- lwp request
- lxc (linux)
- lxi (linux)
- lxterminal (linux)
- lynis (linux)
- lynx
- lz4
- lzop
- m (osx)
- m4
- mac2unix (linux)
- macchanger (linux)
- machine (osx)
- maestral
- magento
- magick
- mailx
- maim (linux)
- make
- makebuildserver
- makensis
- makepasswd
- makepkg (linux)
- man
- mandb (linux)
- manpath (linux)
- mas (osx)
- masscan
- mat2
- mate about (linux)
- matlab
- maza
- mc
- mcookie (linux)
- mcs
- md5 (osx)
- md5sum
- mdadm (linux)
- mdbook (linux)
- mdfind (osx)
- mdls (osx)
- mdp
- mdutil (osx)
- mediainfo
- medusa (linux)
- megadl (linux)
- megatools dl (linux)
- meld
- mesg
- meshlabserver
- meson
- meteor
- mh_copyright
- mh_lint
- mh_metric
- micro
- microcom (linux)
- middleman
- mimetype (linux)
- minetest
- minetestserver
- mingle
- minicom (linux)
- minifab
- minikube
- miniserve
- minisign
- mitmdump
- mitmproxy
- mix
- mixxx
- mk
- mkcert
- mkdir
- mke2fs (linux)
- mkfifo
- mkfile (osx)
- mkfs (linux)
- mkfs.btrfs (linux)
- mkfs.cramfs (linux)
- mkfs.exfat (linux)
- mkfs.ext4 (linux)
- mkfs.fat (linux)
- mkfs.minix (linux)
- mkfs.ntfs (linux)
- mkfs.vfat (linux)
- mkinitcpio (linux)
- mkisofs (linux)
- mklink (windows)
- mklost+found (linux)
- mknod (linux)
- mkswap (linux)
- mktemp
- mktorrent
- mkvmerge
- mlr
- mm2gv
- mmcli (linux)
- mmdc
- mmls
- mmv
- mocha
- mocp (linux)
- modinfo (linux)
- modprobe (linux)
- module (linux)
- moe
- mogrify
- molecule
- mongo
- mongod
- mongodump
- mongoexport
- mongoimport
- mongorestore
- mono (linux)
- monodevelop
- monodis
- monop
- mons (linux)
- montage
- more
- moro
- mosh
- mosquitto
- mosquitto_passwd
- mosquitto_pub
- mosquitto_sub
- most
- mount
- mountpoint (linux)
- mozillavpn
- mp3info
- mp4box
- mpc
- mpd
- mpg123 (linux)
- mpg321
- mplayer
- mpstat (linux)
- mpv
- mr
- msbuild
- mscore
- msfvenom
- msg (windows)
- msiexec (windows)
- msmtp
- mssh (linux)
- mt (linux)
- mtr
- mu
- mullvad
- multipass
- multitail
- mupdf
- musescore
- mutagen
- mutool
- mutt
- mv
- mvn
- mycli
- mysql
- mysqld
- mysqldump
- mytop
- n
- namcap (linux)
- named (linux)
- namei (linux)
- nano
- nasm
- nativefier
- nautilus (linux)
- nbtscan
- nc
- ncal (linux)
- ncat (linux)
- ncc
- ncdu
- ncmpcpp
- ndctl (linux)
- neato
- ned
- needrestart (linux)
- nemo (linux)
- neofetch
- neomutt
- nethogs (linux)
- netlify
- netselect (linux)
- netstat
- nettop (osx)
- networkquality (osx)
- networksetup (osx)
- newgrp (linux)
- newman
- newsboat
- next
- nextflow
- nf core
- nfcd (osx)
- nfsstat (windows)
- nft (linux)
- ng
- nginx
- ngrep
- ngrok
- ngs
- nice
- nikto
- nim
- nimble
- ninja
- nitrogen (linux)
- nix
- nixos container (linux)
- nkf
- nl
- nload
- nm
- nmap
- nmcli (linux)
- nmon (linux)
- nms
- nmtui (linux)
- node
- nodemon
- nodenv
- nohup
- nokogiri
- nologin (linux)
- nomad
- nop
- nordvpn (linux)
- noti
- notify send (linux)
- notifyd (osx)
- notmuch
- now
- npm
- nproc
- npx
- nrm
- nsenter (linux)
- nslookup
- nsnake (linux)
- ntfsfix (linux)
- nth
- ntl
- ntpdate (linux)
- ntpq (linux)
- nu
- nudoku
- numactl (linux)
- numfmt
- numlockx (linux)
- nvidia smi
- nvim
- nvm
- nvram (osx)
- nx
- oathtool
- objdump
- obs
- oc
- ocaml
- ocamlc
- ocamlfind
- ocamlopt
- ocrmypdf
- ocspd (osx)
- octo (windows)
- od
- odps
- offlineimap
- ogr2ogr
- ogrinfo
- ohdear cli
- okular
- omf
- omz
- opam
- open (osx)
- openconnect
- openfortivpn (linux)
- openrc (linux)
- openscad
- opensnoop (osx)
- openssl
- openttd
- openvpn
- openvpn3 (linux)
- opkg (linux)
- opt
- optipng
- opusenc
- orca c
- osage
- osascript (osx)
- p10k
- p4
- p5
- p7zip
- pabcnetcclear (windows)
- pacaur (linux)
- paccache (linux)
- paci
- packer
- packtpub
- pacman (linux)
- pacman4console (linux)
- pacstall (linux)
- pacstrap (linux)
- pactl
- pactree (linux)
- pageres
- pamac (linux)
- pamixer
- pandoc
- paperkey
- parallel
- parquet tools
- parted (linux)
- particle
- partprobe (linux)
- partx (linux)
- paru (linux)
- pass
- passwd
- paste
- pastel
- pasuspender (linux)
- patch
- patchwork
- path (windows)
- pathchk
- pathping (windows)
- pax
- pbcopy (osx)
- pbpaste (osx)
- pdbedit (linux)
- pdf parser
- pdffonts
- pdfgrep
- pdfimages
- pdfinfo
- pdfjam
- pdfjoin
- pdflatex
- pdfposter
- pdfseparate
- pdftex
- pdftk
- pdftocairo
- pdftoppm (linux)
- pdftotext
- pdfunite
- peco
- peerflix
- peludna prognoza
- perf (linux)
- perl
- pest
- pfetch
- pg_ctl
- pg_dump
- pg_dumpall
- pg_restore
- pgbench
- pgrep
- phan
- phar (linux)
- phing
- phive
- photoanalysisd (osx)
- photolibraryd (osx)
- photorec (linux)
- php
- phpbu
- phpcbf
- phpcpd
- phpcs
- phpdismod (linux)
- phpdox
- phpenmod (linux)
- phpenv
- phpize
- phploc
- phpmd
- phpquery (linux)
- phpspec
- phpstan
- phpstorm
- phpunit
- physlock (linux)
- pi (linux)
- piactl
- pic
- picard
- pickle
- pidof (linux)
- pidstat (linux)
- pigz
- pihole (linux)
- ping
- ping6
- pinky
- pinout (linux)
- pinta
- pio
- piodebuggdb
- pip
- pip3
- pipenv
- pipwin (windows)
- pipx
- pivpn (linux)
- pixiecore
- pkg (android)
- pkgadd (linux)
- pkgfile (linux)
- pkginfo (linux)
- pkgmk (linux)
- pkgrm (linux)
- pkgutil (osx)
- pkill
- plantuml
- platformio
- play
- playerctl (linux)
- plenv
- plesk
- pluma (linux)
- plutil (osx)
- pm (android)
- pm2
- pmap (linux)
- pmount (linux)
- pmset (osx)
- pngcheck
- pngcrush
- pnpm
- pnpx
- po4a (linux)
- pod (osx)
- podman
- poetry
- popd
- popeye
- port (osx)
- ports (linux)
- postcss
- postfix (linux)
- poweroff (linux)
- powerprofilesctl (linux)
- powershell (windows)
- powerstat (linux)
- powertop (linux)
- pppd
- pprof
- pr
- prctl (sunos)
- pre commit
- prename (linux)
- prettier
- pretty bytes
- pridecat (linux)
- print (linux)
- printenv
- printf
- prlimit (linux)
- procs (linux)
- progpilot
- progress
- promtool
- prosodyctl
- protector
- protoc
- protontricks (linux)
- protonvpn cli (linux)
- prstat (sunos)
- prt get (linux)
- ps
- psalm
- psgrep
- psping (windows)
- psql
- pssh
- pstree (linux)
- psysh
- pt
- ptargrep
- ptpython
- ptpython3
- ptx (linux)
- pueue
- pulseaudio (linux)
- pup
- puppet
- pushd
- pv
- pvcreate (linux)
- pvdisplay (linux)
- pve firewall
- pvecm
- pveperf
- pvs (linux)
- pw cat (linux)
- pwd
- pwdx (linux)
- pwgen
- pwlauncher (windows)
- pwsh
- py spy
- pycodestyle
- pyenv
- pyflakes
- pygmentize
- pylint
- pypy
- python
- python3
- q
- qcp
- qdbus
- qemu
- qjoypad (linux)
- qlmanage (osx)
- qm (linux)
- qmrestore (linux)
- qmv
- qpdf
- qr
- qrencode
- qsub (linux)
- qtchooser (linux)
- qtcreator
- query (windows)
- quilt
- quota
- quotacheck (linux)
- qutebrowser
- r
- r2
- r2e
- rabin2
- racket
- raco
- radare2
- radeontop (linux)
- rails
- rainbowstream
- ranger
- rankmirrors (linux)
- rapper
- rar
- raspi config (linux)
- raspinfo (linux)
- raw (linux)
- rbac lookup
- rbash
- rbenv
- rbt
- rc
- rcat
- rclone
- rdesktop (linux)
- rdfind
- rdpsign (windows)
- react native
- read
- readelf (linux)
- readlink
- readpe (linux)
- realpath
- reboot (linux)
- recsel
- rector
- redis cli
- redshift
- reflac
- reflector (linux)
- reflex
- reg (windows)
- rekor cli
- rename (linux)
- renice
- repair bde (windows)
- replace (windows)
- repo add (linux)
- reportbug (linux)
- repquota (linux)
- repren
- reptyr (linux)
- reset (linux)
- resize2fs (linux)
- resolvectl (linux)
- resolveip (linux)
- restic
- resume
- rev
- rfkill (linux)
- rg
- rga
- rgrep (linux)
- rich
- rig (linux)
- rip
- rkhunter (linux)
- rm
- rmdir
- rmmod (linux)
- roave backward compatibility check
- robo
- robocopy (windows)
- rofi (linux)
- roll
- rolldice (linux)
- route
- rpcclient (linux)
- rpcinfo (linux)
- rpm (linux)
- rpmbuild (linux)
- rpmspec (linux)
- rr
- rscript
- rspamc (linux)
- rspec
- rsstail
- rsync
- rtcwake (linux)
- rtl_sdr
- rtmpdump
- rtorrent (linux)
- rtv
- rubocop
- ruby
- run mailcap (linux)
- runcon (linux)
- runit
- runlim (linux)
- runsv
- runsvchdir
- runsvdir
- runuser (linux)
- rusnapshot (linux)
- rustc
- rustfmt
- rustup
- rvm
- s
- s3cmd
- sa (linux)
- sacct (linux)
- sacctmgr (linux)
- safe
- safeejectgpu (osx)
- sails
- salt
- sam (linux)
- samtools
- sar (linux)
- sass
- satis
- say (osx)
- sbatch (linux)
- sbcl
- sbt
- sc im
- scala
- scalafmt
- scan build
- scancel (linux)
- scanimage (linux)
- scc
- sccmap
- scheme
- schroot (linux)
- scontrol (linux)
- scoop (windows)
- scp
- scrapy
- scrcpy
- screen
- screencapture (osx)
- screenfetch
- screenkey (linux)
- script
- scriptreplay (linux)
- scrot (linux)
- scutil (osx)
- sd
- sdcv
- sdef (osx)
- sdiff
- sdk
- sdkmanager
- searchsploit
- secd (osx)
- secrethub
- security (osx)
- securityd (osx)
- sed
- see (linux)
- semanage (linux)
- semver
- sendmail
- sensible browser (linux)
- sensors (linux)
- seq
- sequelize
- serve
- serverless
- service (linux)
- set
- setfacl (linux)
- setsid (linux)
- settings (android)
- setx (windows)
- setxkbmap (linux)
- sfc (windows)
- sfdp
- sfill (linux)
- sftp
- sh
- sha1sum
- sha224sum
- sha256sum
- sha384sum
- sha512sum
- shards
- shasum
- shc
- shellcheck
- sherlock (linux)
- shift
- shiny mirrors (linux)
- shiori
- shopt
- shortcuts (osx)
- showfigfonts
- showmount (windows)
- shred
- shuf
- shutdown (linux)
- sic (linux)
- siege
- silentcast (linux)
- sindresorhus
- sinfo (linux)
- singularity
- sips (osx)
- sk
- skaffold
- skicka
- sl
- slackcat
- slapt get (linux)
- sleep
- slimrb
- slop (linux)
- sm (linux)
- smalltalkci
- smartctl
- smbclient (linux)
- smbget (linux)
- smbmap
- smbpasswd (linux)
- sn
- snake4 (linux)
- snake4scores (linux)
- snap (linux)
- snapper (linux)
- snmpwalk (linux)
- snoop (sunos)
- sntpd (osx)
- snyk
- socat
- softwareupdate (osx)
- solcjs
- solo
- sonar scanner
- sops
- sort
- source
- sox
- spark
- spatial
- spctl (osx)
- spectre meltdown checker (linux)
- speed test
- speedcrunch
- speedometer (linux)
- speedtest
- spfquery
- sphinx build
- spi (linux)
- spike
- split
- sponge
- spotify (osx)
- sqlite utils
- sqlite3
- sqlmap
- sqsc
- squeue (linux)
- sreport (linux)
- srm
- srun (linux)
- ss (linux)
- ssh
- sshd
- sshfs
- sshpass
- sshuttle
- sslscan
- sstat (linux)
- st (linux)
- stack
- standard
- starship
- stat
- stdbuf
- steam
- steamcmd
- steghide (linux)
- stern
- stl2gts
- stolonctl
- stormlock
- stow
- strace (linux)
- streamlink
- stress (linux)
- strings
- strip (linux)
- stripe
- stty
- su
- subfinder
- subl
- subliminal
- sublist3r
- subst (windows)
- sudo
- sum
- sup
- supervisorctl
- supervisord
- surfraw
- surge
- sv
- svcadm (sunos)
- svccfg (sunos)
- svcs (sunos)
- svgcleaner
- svgo
- svgr
- svn
- sw_vers (osx)
- swagger codegen
- swapoff (linux)
- swapon (linux)
- swc
- swift
- swig
- swipl
- swupd (linux)
- sxiv (linux)
- symfony
- sync
- syncthing
- synopkg (linux)
- synoupgrade (linux)
- sysctl (linux)
- system_profiler (osx)
- systemctl (linux)
- systemd analyze (linux)
- systeminfo (windows)
- systemsetup (osx)
- tabula
- tac
- tail
- tailscale
- takeout
- takeown (windows)
- tar
- task
- taskkill (windows)
- tasklist (windows)
- taskset (linux)
- tb
- tbl
- tcpdump
- tcpflow (linux)
- tcpkill (linux)
- tcptraceroute (linux)
- tcsh
- tea
- tee
- telnet
- termdown
- terminalizer
- terminator (linux)
- terraform
- terragrunt
- tesseract
- test
- testssl
- tex
- texdoc
- texliveonfly
- textql
- textutil (osx)
- theharvester
- thunar (linux)
- thunderbird
- tic (linux)
- tig
- time
- timed (osx)
- timedatectl (linux)
- timeout
- timeshift (linux)
- timetrap
- timew
- timidity
- title (windows)
- tldr
- tldrl
- tlmgr
- tlp (linux)
- tmpmail
- tmsu
- tmutil (osx)
- tmux
- tmuxinator
- todo
- todoist
- todoman
- toilet (linux)
- tokei
- tomb (linux)
- top (linux)
- topgrade
- topydo
- touch
- tox
- tpp
- tput
- tr
- trace cmd (linux)
- tracepath (linux)
- traceroute
- traefik
- trans
- transcode
- transcrypt
- transfersh
- transmission cli
- trap
- trash (linux)
- travis
- trawl
- tred
- tree
- trivy
- trizen (linux)
- troff
- true
- truffle
- truncate
- truss (sunos)
- trust (linux)
- ts
- tsc
- tshark (linux)
- tskill (windows)
- tslint
- tsort
- tty
- ttyplot (linux)
- tuir
- tune2fs (linux)
- turbo
- tuxi (linux)
- twm
- twopi
- tye
- type
- typeorm
- typeset
- tzutil (windows)
- u3d
- ubuntu bug (linux)
- udevadm (linux)
- udisksctl (linux)
- ufraw batch
- ufw (linux)
- ugrep
- ul (linux)
- ulimit
- umask
- umount
- unalias
- uname
- unar
- unclutter
- uncrustify
- unexpand
- unflatten
- uniq
- unison
- units
- universalaccessd (osx)
- unix2dos (linux)
- unix2mac (linux)
- unlink
- unrar
- unset (linux)
- unshadow (linux)
- unshare (linux)
- unzip
- update alternatives (linux)
- updatedb (linux)
- updog
- updpkgsums (linux)
- upower (linux)
- uprecords (linux)
- uptime
- upx
- urxvt (linux)
- useradd (linux)
- userdel (linux)
- usermod (linux)
- usernoted (osx)
- users
- utmpdump (linux)
- uudecode
- uuencode
- uuid (linux)
- uuidd (linux)
- uuidgen (linux)
- uvcdynctrl (linux)
- uvicorn
- v4l2 ctl (linux)
- vagrant
- vala
- valac
- valet (osx)
- valgrind
- var dump server
- vault
- vboxmanage
- vcgencmd (linux)
- vcsh
- vcvarsall (windows)
- vdir
- vectorize pixelart
- vegeta
- vela
- velero
- ver (windows)
- veracrypt (linux)
- vercel
- vgchange (linux)
- vgcreate (linux)
- vgdisplay (linux)
- vgs (linux)
- vgscan (linux)
- vi
- view
- viewnior (linux)
- vifm
- vim
- vimdiff
- vimtutor
- vipw (linux)
- virsh
- virt clone
- virtualboxvm (windows)
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
- visudo
- viu
- vladimyr
- vlc
- vm_stat (osx)
- vmstat (linux)
- vmware checkvm (linux)
- vncserver (linux)
- vncviewer (linux)
- vnstat (linux)
- vnstati (linux)
- vol (windows)
- volta
- vpnc (linux)
- vpnd (osx)
- vrms (linux)
- vsce
- vswhere (windows)
- vue
- vzdump
- w
- w3m
- wacaw (osx)
- wait
- waitress serve
- wajig (linux)
- wal
- wall (linux)
- wapm
- warp cli
- wasm objdump
- wasm2c
- wasm2wat
- wat2wasm
- watch
- watchexec
- watson
- wc
- wdctl (linux)
- weasyprint
- web ext
- webpack
- webstorm
- webtorrent
- wg (linux)
- wget
- whatis (linux)
- whence (osx)
- where
- whereis
- which
- while
- whiptail (linux)
- who
- whoami
- whois
- wifi menu (linux)
- wine (linux)
- winetricks (linux)
- winget (windows)
- wipeclean
- wipefs (linux)
- wl copy (linux)
- wm (android)
- wmctrl (linux)
- wmic (windows)
- wodim (linux)
- wol (linux)
- wondershaper
- wordgrinder
- wormhole
- wp
- wpa_cli (linux)
- wpa_passphrase (linux)
- wpa_supplicant
- wpm
- wpscan
- wrangler
- write
- wrk
- wsl (windows)
- wtf (linux)
- wuzz
- x0vncserver (linux)
- x11docker
- x11vnc (linux)
- x_x
- xar
- xargs
- xattr (osx)
- xbacklight (linux)
- xbps (linux)
- xcaddy
- xclip (linux)
- xclock (linux)
- xcode select (osx)
- xcodebuild (osx)
- xcopy (windows)
- xcowsay (linux)
- xcrun (osx)
- xctool (osx)
- xcursorgen (linux)
- xcv
- xdelta
- xdg desktop menu (linux)
- xdotool (linux)
- xed (linux)
- xephyr
- xetex
- xev
- xeyes (linux)
- xfce4 screenshooter (linux)
- xfreerdp (linux)
- xgettext
- xh
- xidel
- xinput (linux)
- xip (osx)
- xkcdpass
- xkill
- xman (linux)
- xml
- xml2man (osx)
- xmllint
- xmlto
- xmodmap (linux)
- xmount (linux)
- xo
- xonsh
- xpdf
- xplr
- xprop
- xrandr (linux)
- xrdb (linux)
- xsel (linux)
- xset (linux)
- xsetwacom (linux)
- xsltproc (osx)
- xsv
- xterm (linux)
- xtrlock (linux)
- xvfb run (linux)
- xwinwrap (linux)
- xxd
- xxh
- xz
- yaa (osx)
- yabai (osx)
- yacas
- yank
- yaourt (linux)
- yapf
- yarn
- yay (linux)
- ybacklight
- yes
- yesod
- yetris (linux)
- ykinfo
- ykman
- you get
- youtube dl
- yq
- yt dlp
- ytfzf (linux)
- yum (linux)
- z
- zathura (linux)
- zbarimg
- zcat
- zdb
- zeek
- zegrep (linux)
- zek
- zellij
- zenity (linux)
- zfs
- zgrep (linux)
- zig
- zile (linux)
- zip
- zipalign
- zipgrep
- zipinfo
- zless
- zlib flate
- zm
- zmore
- zmv
- zola
- zopflipng
- zoxide
- zpool
- zramctl (linux)
- zsh
- zstd
- zsteg
- zypper (linux)
This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.