Enter a command. For example: bedtools, script, head, at, bindkey.


A free and open source web browser. More information:
  • Launch Firefox and open a web page:
    firefox {{}}
  • Open a new window:
    firefox --new-window {{}}
  • Open a private (incognito) window:
    firefox --private-window
  • Search for "wikipedia" using the default search engine:
    firefox --search "{{wikipedia}}"
  • Launch Firefox in safe mode, with all extensions disabled:
    firefox --safe-mode
  • Take a screenshot of a web page in headless mode:
    firefox --headless --screenshot {{path/to/output_file.png}} {{}}
  • Use a specific profile to allow multiple separate instances of Firefox to run at once:
    firefox --profile {{path/to/directory}} {{}}
  • Set Firefox as the default browser:
    firefox --setDefaultBrowser

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.